Helping You Create a Lifestyle of Discipleship

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What People are Saying about the Daily Growth Journal

I finally look forward to journaling again! Over the years I’ve let my habit of journaling get crowded out by life. I wasn’t sure if I would see growth by spending just 10 minutes aday, but I’m encouraged by the progress I’ve already made.

Sarah, Project Coordinator

The Daily Growth Journal is an innovative way to make your daily devotions a living part of your discipleship - you don't have anything like it.

Alan, Pastoral Coach

"I have never been great at journaling, but this takes all the stress out of the process. Simple, straight forward questions keep you focused, and over time I noticed it influencing my whole day."

Joe, Children's Pastor

I have always struggled with journaling. The blank page just “stared” at me as if to dare me to think of anything to write. I love the questions in this journal. It really gets me started, and helps me to focus on truly allowing the Holy Spirit to “form” me more into the image of Christ. 

Donna, Discipleship Pastor

Feeling Stuck?

Finding time to spend in spiritual disciplines is tough with a busy schedule. Even if you had the time, you find yourself wondering, “I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with my life. How am I supposed to grow?”

Living Your Destiny?

God wants you to grow in every area of life. Your physical health, parenting skills, work at your job, and everything in between are all opportunities for you to become more like Christ. Your whole life can become a reflection of God’s destiny for you.

The Daily Growth Discipleship Podcast

Answering Difficult Bible Questions - Joe Lamberth - Episode 74

Answering Difficult Bible Questions - Joe Lamberth - Episode 74

The Bible is filled with things that are sometimes hard to understand. The earliest portions of the Bible were written over three thousand years ago, and the latest portions were written almost two thousand years ago. There's a lot that's changed in the world since then, and that leads to a lot of difficult questions at times, even for experienced Christians. So today Chris and Josh are joined by Chris' brother Joe who asks some of those difficult questions.

Listen to the full episode now!

Accepting the You God Sees - Juanita Rasmus - Episode 73

Accepting the You God Sees - Juanita Rasmus - Episode 73

We each have an inner story about who we think we are. This self-narrative guides our lives and the decisions we make. Are we the kind of person who goes skydiving? Or are we the kind of person who buys a boat, or goes camping, or lives in an apartment and not a house? The answers to these questions really have to do with our identity; who we are. As Seth Godin describes, “People like us do things like this." But what happens when the narrative we’ve created for ourselves can no longer support us? What happens when our life falls apart and we are forced to re-evaluate who we are. This experience can shake us to our core and send us spiraling into the depths of depression. This is the experience Juanita describes in her book, Learning to Be, as the identity she has built for herself had to be torn down so that God could reveal to her who He had created her to be.

Listen to the full episode now!

Practical and Intentional Discipleship in 2021 - Episode 72

Practical and Intentional Discipleship in 2021 - Episode 72

Even though 2020 is over, 2021 doesn’t promise to be any better. We can hope, of course. But we must be ready for the challenges that will come our way this year. And that means our work to create a lifestyle of discipleship is more important than ever. So this year, we are excited to continue our work of bringing you incredible guests on the podcast. We are also looking forward to expanding our YouTube channel as a place where we can share our journeys with you as we work to create a lifestyle of discipleship. So this week on the podcast, Josh and Chris discuss their hopes and plans for the Daily Growth Discipleship in 2021.

Thoughts for Your Growth

How Journaling 10 Minutes a Day Can Help You Grow in Christ

How Journaling 10 Minutes a Day Can Help You Grow in Christ

You might be wondering if it’s really possible to grow in your walk with Christ by journaling just 10 minutes a day. I know it sounds a little far fetched. You’re probably thinking it’s just some marketing gimmick used to get you to click on a link.

You’re right! I admit it. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. I truly believe the Daily Growth Journal can help you grow in your walk with Christ because I’ve seen what it’s done in my life and the lives of others.

Why You Should Practice Silence and Solitude

Why You Should Practice Silence and Solitude

I’ve learned that practicing Silence and Solitude is the spiritual equivalent to resting after a hard workout. Contrary to what a lot of people believe, you don’t actually get stronger from going to the gym. Lifting weights only serves to stress the muscles and break them down. And that stress is what causes growth to take place. Without it, your body wouldn’t have a reason to grow.

But the exercise itself doesn’t make your muscles grow stronger. The process of rest and recovery does that. So if you didn't give your muscles enough time to recover and you continued to work out every day, you’d end up breaking down your body more and more until you injured yourself and/or made yourself sick. This is your body's way of taking the rest it needs whether you’re willing to give it or not.


Why Does the Easy Yoke of Jesus Seem So Hard?

Why Does the Easy Yoke of Jesus Seem So Hard?

Have you ever thought about Jesus' command to take on his yoke and burden and wondered what He meant when he promised it would be “easy” and “light.” Anyone who’s been a Christian for any significant time will tell you that following Jesus isn’t always easy. It costs a lot! It takes all of your effort! By choosing the narrow road to life, you invite upon yourself all kinds of trials, hardships, and suffering.

So what is Jesus talking about in Matthew 11:29-30 when he promised that His Way is actually the easy one?