How Journaling 10 Minutes a Day Can Help You Grow in Christ

You might be wondering if it’s really possible to grow in your walk with Christ by journaling just 10 minutes a day. I know it sounds a little far fetched. You’re probably thinking it’s just some marketing gimmick used to get you to click on a link.

You’re right! I admit it. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. I truly believe the Daily Growth Journal can help you grow in your walk with Christ because I’ve seen what it’s done in my life and the lives of others. 


Why the Daily Growth Journal?

I created the Daily Growth Journal because I always wanted to keep a traditional journal, but couldn’t find the time to stay consistent. I knew journaling was an important spiritual discipline that provided many great benefits. The problem was, I’d start a new journal, but then soon forget to write in it or I just wouldn't have time. 

The only times was ever able to journal with any real consistency was when I had to for a class. In Bible College and Seminary I had class assignments where I had to keep a journal over several weeks. But I still found it difficult to journal on a regular basis. I would constantly have to go back and fill in days I’d missed. This took the joy out of journaling. It felt more like a chore than an opportunity for growth.

I did, however, enjoy some of my experience with journaling. Even though at times it felt like a chore, I loved the benefits that came with it! Journaling gave me an outlet to share my thoughts so I didn’t have to carry them around with me throughout the day. I could get the them out of my head and let them go.

But my favorite thing about keeping a journal is being able to look back over the entries I've made, months or even years later. This brings a profound sense of satisfaction as I can see how I've grown and matured.

I love being able to see my life in a more objective way. I feel a sense of clarity as I review important moments and learn from my mistakes. I'm also prompted to praise God for the victories He's orchestrated in my life, many of which I couldn't see at the time. 

But no matter how much I enjoyed those rare moments of reflection and praise, I couldn't seem to muster the willpower to keep a journal any more than a couple of times a year.  

Then, I came across what I now call "guided journals." These are journals which have short prompts or questions in them that simply guide your thinking and reflection. One of the biggest obstacles that kept me from journaling was the blank page. When I would open my journal and see all that space, I would become anxious because I didn't know what to write. I felt like I had to fill up the entire page and that everything I wrote had to be profound wisdom like we often read from famous historical figures like John Wesley or Ben Franklin. 

But these guided journals, with their simple designs and straightforward questions, invited me to respond. I didn't have to craft perfect thoughts. I could simply respond and let the journal guide me through the process. 

I immediately knew I wanted a Christian version of this type of journal. One that would guide my thoughts to thinking about Christ and becoming more like Him. I looked for journals that offered what I wanted, but only found guided journals used to supplement an author's book. Nothing wrong with that! I just wanted something for general, everyday use. 

So I set out to create a journal that would only take a few minutes to write in each day, but that would still help me grow in my walk with God. I wanted a journal that wasn’t just fluff. I wanted real growth and real reflection, I just didn’t want to spend a lot of time writing in it. That meant the journal prompts had to be laser focused on the most important areas of the Christian life in order to stimulate spiritual growth.


I Created the Daily Growth Journal for You

As I began the process of research and writing to create the best––but shortest––journal, I realized I had to share this with the world. I knew the journal I’d been working on could help others who experienced the same kinds of problems keeping a journal I had. So my goal changed. I set to work creating a journal that would help Christians grow in their walk with Christ without having to spend 30 minutes or more a day journaling.

Some people enjoy spending that much time journaling. And I applaud them! This journal is not for them (although I think they would still benefit from it).

I created the Daily Growth Journal for people who want to enjoy the benefits of journaling but can’t seem to find the time to stay consistent with traditional journaling. This journal is also perfect for people who want to begin journaling for the first time and are looking for guidance on how to start.


How the Daily Growth Journal Works

The Daily Growth Journal (DGJ) will help you build your daily journaling practice without having to spend a lot of time figuring out how to journal. It guides you through simple reflections that focus on the most important aspects of the Christian life.

If you let it, the Daily Growth Journal will show you how to reflect on some of the most important aspects of the Christian life. It will help you condition your thinking to be more Christ-like.

It can’t force you to grow, though. You still have to earnestly reflect on the questions asked. But this is where the work of journaling should be, not in writing. You can cut right to the most important areas of reflection by using journal prompts that strategically target specific areas of the Christian life.

These prompts will become the catalyst for you to grow in your walk with Christ. As you reflect each day, you will begin thinking about the ideas behind the prompts as you go through your normal routine of the day. And since thought is the precursor to desire, and we pursue the desires of hearts, your actions will come into alignment with what you've been reflecting one.

Once you have conditioned yourself to be thankful, to reflect on your identity in Christ, and look for ways to serve others, you will begin acting on your reflections.

This kind of contemplation is known as “mindfulness.” You will become mindfully (or intentionally) aware of God’s presence in your life. And as you do, you’ll start to think and act more like Christ.


A Journal Keeps Track of Your Spiritual Growth

Spiritual growth is a slow process. It doesn’t happen overnight. Keeping a journal of our progress might not reveal much from day to day. But one day, you’ll wake up and realize you’re no longer the person you used to be. You’ll no longer have the sinful desires you used to. You’ll trust God more to provide for your every need. You will have an intimacy with the Holy Spirit you’ve never had before. It will be in these times when you will be able to "measure" your spiritual growth by looking back over your life and seeing just how much you’ve grown.

This is when you will be most thankful you kept a journal. Because even though your growth doesn’t happen in an instant, the realization of your growth often does. Through the course of your life, you’ll experience victories and defeats, spiritual highs and spiritual lows. Sometimes it’ll feel like you aren’t growing at all despite your best efforts.

But, by keeping a journal, you will have a tool that will let you look back over the days, weeks, months, and even years to see the journey of growth you’ve been on. You will be able to see God’s sovereign hand steadily guiding you through the difficulties of life. You will see that God has never abandoned you––that he’s been right next to you the entire time giving you strength, giving you hope, and spurring you on by His grace.

We measure spiritual growth through the stories of our testimonies. A journal lets you record those stories. Your story will become the source of inspiration and hope for those times you find yourself doubting God. You’ll be able to look back over your journal and remind yourself that God is always guiding you to be the person he is calling you to be.

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