Episode Audio:
As we once again talk about Race and Racism on the podcast, we wanted to address this issue from a different perspective. Racism, being rejected and persecuted because of the color of your skin, traumatizes its victims. So how should we as disciples respond? As we learn from Shelia in this episode, people of color need to develop resilience through their relationship with Christ and His community that gives them the strength to withstand the racial injustice they experience. And for white people and others of privileged status, we have an opportunity to listen and learn from our marginalized brothers and sisters. In the fight to see God’s Kingdom come to earth and his will done in our midst, may we mourn with our brothers and sister who mourn and show them love that affirms who they are as Image bears of God.
Who is Sheila Wise Rowe?
Sheila Wise Rowe is the Executive Director of The Rehoboth House, an international healing and reconciliation ministry. She has over twenty-five years of experience as a Christian Counselor, Spiritual Director, Educator, Writer, and Speaker. Sheila is a member of The Redbud Writers Guild and writes essays for The Redbud Post. Her new book, Healing Racial Trauma: The Road to Resilience, hopes to help those who have experienced racial trauma recognize it, find healing, and develop a life of resilience.
You can find out more about Sheila's work at sheilawiserowe.com.
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Episode Resources:
Healing Racial Trauma by Sheila Wise Rowe