How to Grow in All of Life - Darryl Dash - Episode 15

Darryl Dash is a pastor and church planter in Toronto with over 25 years of ministry experience. He also has a doctor of ministry degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary.

He’s written the book How to Grow: Applying the Gospel to ALL of Life. And currently serves as the pastor of Liberty Grace Church in Toronto.

He and his wife Charlene are the cofounders of Gospel for Life, and they are both passionate about helping people grow.

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How to Grow by Darryl Dash

Saturate by Jeff Vanderstelt

The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien (Movies directed by Peter Jackson)

Desiring God by John Piper

The Spirit of the Disciplines by Dallas Willard

No Silver Bullets by Daniel Im

What's Your Growth Stage Quiz

Episode Audio:

Chapter 1 - Understanding the Gospel for Your Story

Following Jesus takes all of your life. Not only does it take a lifetime commitment, but it also requires every area of your life each day. We're all guilty of, at times, compartmentalizing our relationship with God. But following Christ means following him in the way we parent, in the way we work, in the way buy groceries, and everything in between. In this chapter, Darryl unpacks the value of the Gospel story for our everyday moments in our lives. It's this understanding that serves as the foundation for how we grow and create a lifestyle of discipleship.

Chapter 2 - Joy and Suffering in the Christian Life

Sometimes you may think of saints or holy people as very somber and boring. That's what they look like in the paintings after all. But Darryl has found that some of the most mature Christians are often the most joyful. They're also the ones who have experienced a lot of suffering. In this chapter, Darryl discusses how growth requires an understanding of how Christians can be called to suffer and yet be full of joy.

Chapter 3 - The Six Stages of Growth

Little kids often want to do things they aren't old enough to do yet. 5-year-olds may want to drive a real race car, but they just aren't developed enough physically to do that. And when they're told they can't, they often get upset or sad. We often do the same thing in our own spiritual development. We get frustrated, sad, or upset that we aren't more developed than we are. In this chapter, Darryl lays out what he's found to be 6 stages of growth that all Christians experience. It's tempting to get frustrated when we aren't at a stage we think we should be. But, as Darryl notes, one of the most important things we can learn is that there's grace for us no matter where we're at in our development.

Chapter 4 - Practices to Help You Grow

It's one thing to know what the basic practices and habits of the Christian life are. It's another thing sometimes to put them into practice effectively. In this chapter, Darryl walks through some of the best tips he's found for making habits stick and learning to cultivate a lifestyle of discipleship.



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