Are You a Faithful Steward Called to Lead? - Scott Rodin - Episode 19

Scott Rodin has a passion for helping Christian ministry leaders take a biblical approach to leadership development, strategic planning, board development and raising kingdom resources. Over the past thirty years he has worked with hundreds of organizations in the U.S., Canada, Middle East, Great Britain, China, India, the Philippines and Australia.

Dr. Rodin is president of The Steward’s Journey and Kingdom Life Publishing. He also runs Rodin Consulting, Inc. He is a Senior Fellow of the Association of Biblical Higher Education and is past board chair of ChinaSource.

He holds Master of Theology and Doctor of Philosophy degrees in Systematic Theology from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. He has also authored fourteen books and blogs weekly at


The Steward Leader by Scott Rodin

Three Ways Your 'Quiet Time' Can Hurt More Than Help by Scott Rodin

Episode Audio:

Chapter 1 - How to Be a One-Kingdom Steward

Dr. Scott Rodin has written a book about becoming a steward leader, and yet he never mentions the word stewardship once. Well that’s because stewardship is about learning to faithfully care for things that we do not own. Stewardship is all about the things we must learn to do. But what about becoming a Steward? When we focus all of our attention on what a steward does, we miss the need to develop our being. By focusing all of our efforts on Stewardship we are sure to get really good at doing all of the wrong things in the very best way possible. And that is why Dr. Rodin’s focus in the book, The Steward Leader, is about growing the person as a Steward first. We cannot hope to become effective Stewards of God’s Kingdom unless we first become the kinds of people who have been transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Only then will our motives and desires be properly aligned with God’s, who is the true owner.

Chapter 2 - How to Steward God's Presence in Your Life (COMING SOON!)

The lifestyle of a disciple can seem like it means “doing” a lot of the right things. But a big part of it, actually the main part, is learning to rest in your identity as a child of God. When you start your day resting in his presence and allowing your identity as a steward to guide you the rest of the day, you’re well on your way to being a faithful steward. In this chapter, Scott opens up just how important it is for us to be stewards who rely completely on God’s presence and direction in our lives, even in the midst of busy and chaotic schedules.

Chapter 3 - Are You an Owner Leader or A Steward Leader?

If you’re listening to this podcast right now, it means you are a leader. You might now hold a leadership title, you might not be in charge of people, but your desire to grow and walk with Christ each day means God will use you to lead others to him. You have been called with a purpose to be a leader, even if you never hold a title or a position. But what kind of leader will you be? Will you let God’s call to lead hold you in bondage because you feel pressured to own the results? Or will you find freedom in simply Stewarding the people and things with which He has entrusted you?

Chapter 4 - The Focus of the Steward Leader

A lot has been written about leadership in the last few years. There’s always a new technique or method to being a great leader, and the focus is always on how to do the things that make you a good leader. In this chapter, Scott breaks down the way some of the leadership techniques and methods today miss the heart of being a leader in the kingdom of God. It’s not so much about doing the right things as it is being the right person. And in the kingdom of God, being the right person means focusing on your relationship with God. It means being his child before it means doing his work.

Chapter 5 - The Job of the Steward Leader

In the life of a Steward Leader, what we do flows from who we are. That’s why it’s so important to start with our personal development as disciples, stewards of God’s Kingdom. But the job of a Steward Leader doesn’t end there. Our development spills over into the lives of those we lead. As Steward Leaders, these "trajectories” flow naturally from who we are and enables those we lead to develop as Stewards as well.



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